YEAH8 FREE Tech program Wednesday at UAPB... 6:00 - 7:30pm Rust Technology Building...

YEAH8 Summer Enrichment Program starts June 9, 2015... Registration Sunday June 7,@ 4:00-6:00 @ 
Destiny Worship Center-
4700 West 28th Street 

Jessica Golden, a college student, took time to talk to team Hunter about the importance of good grades, saving money and staying disciplined, which will ultimately keep you out of trouble.
It was an awesome exchange. Jessica was a student of Coach about five years ago...

Third year in a row... Pine Bluff Fire Department show the children fire safety.

The kids did a day of yoga at the Healing Place Ministries. They were at the camp for an entire week learning about the outdoors and engage in presentations about recycling, history, and law enforcement.

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that
 we have lived. It is what difference we have 
made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we 
lead." ~~~~Nelson Mandela 

YEAH8 supports Mrs. Hill as she does mission work in 

Haiti...the kids decorated envelopes and took $18.00 to give

 to the children in Haiti...

When children become aware of our global village, they will become greater citizens of that village. ( j.sanders-nelson )
July 16, 2014
Healing Place Ministries: "We had a great time. The pond is stocked by the fish and game with 400 fish each year. The kids are taught how to fish in preparation for the derby."

~~~Laura Hildreth

Creating Nature Based Out-door Spaces:
As young children spend more and more time in early childhood programs, elementary schools, and before- and after-school classes, it is essential to find ways to bring nature to them. 
We need to think beyond traditional playgrounds, which are often constructed without grass, flowers, or trees, and envision and create nature-based outdoor classrooms. Unfortunately, the term outdoor classroom is often associated with plots of ground where children go to learn the names of plants and identify trees from their leaf shapes.
While there’s nothing wrong with this, if that’s all that happens outdoors, neither child nor teacher has the opportunity to experience the profound joys of connecting on an emotional level with nature’s bounty. Educator and author Ruth Wilson believes that the sense of wonder that children develop from personal nature connections can quickly diminish if not nurtured and celebrated.
She says, “This seems to be especially true in Western cultures, where for the sake of objective understandings, children are encouraged to focus their learning on cognitive models rather than on firsthand investigations of the natural environment” (Wilson 1997).
A growing number of educators are realizing that if the right outdoor space is available to foster a sense of wonder, children can progress in all areas of learning. (Nancy Rosenow "Teaching and Learning About the Natural World.)

We won a kickball challenge by forfeit! The other team did not show up but we did not let it ruin our day as we played in the park and enjoyed the sun. 
Still a slight breeze was under the shade of the trees... An awesome day to go outside and play!
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Each morning we circle up and prepare for our day and break with the uplifting song "Happy" by Pharrell. 

The kids are creating strong bonds with each other. 

This is going to be a great summer at YEAH8!
Meet group ages 5-8 led by Mrs. Della Lee, who is one of the most awesome teachers ever at YEAH8. All of her 20+ students love her... She has over 20+ years of teaching and clearly it is her passion. How could one describe Mrs. Lee? Loving, intelligent, spiritual, supportive, disciplined.

Happy exercise with Team Hunter... They are the teenage group 13-15.

We have a diverse method of enrichment which is broken down into three different groups.

Team Hunter rocks as they visit with a guest who is fascinated by their excellence. Each  camper greeted our visitor with their name, school and college, degree and career goals. 
Simply an incredible group...8 boys and one girl...

My name is Laura R. Hildreth and the kids call me Coach. I love what I do and tell the kids... You just don't know what you don't know but if you stick with me...I will teach you something new...
Winners never quit... Quitters never win... is one of our mantras!

If I had to describe me using five adjectives... Loyal, brilliant, creative, funny, and fierce...thanks again... Laura

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